What To Say When Popping The Question & Writing Your Vows

Apr 1, 2019 | BLOG

If you’re thinking of asking your partner to marry you, you’ve come to the right place! At MILI LO our passion is to help people just like you to plan for this big life event and even the wedding day too! We’re here to help guide you through your engagement and what to say when popping the question. We’ve put together a few pointers on how to get started with writing your vows.

Honor Tradition

When proposing to the love of your life, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, find out if your partner has any family traditions that he or she may like you to honor. Maybe it’s important to your partner that you ask for their hand in marriage first, or perhaps there is a family heirloom that your partner wants to use as their ring. Whatever the case, it’s important that you honor the tradition and ask before making your plans.

Think Ahead

After you find out if there are any traditions you will need to follow, think ahead about the proposal itself. Where will you be? Will you be in a public or private place? If you are proposing in a public place like a restaurant or a park in Athens, you might want to keep what you say on the shorter side since it is highly likely that you’ll be nervous. Don’t be afraid to practice what you want to say beforehand or write it down, even keep a copy in your pocket!

If you’re planning your proposal in a private space, what you say can be longer and more detailed. Since it will be just you and your partner, you can be more spontaneous with your words. It’s always a good idea to have a few things you want to say in your head or written down ahead of time, but for the most part, you can be unscripted when it’s just the two of you.

What To Say

Now for the most important part – what are you actually going to say!? Take some time to reflect on how you feel about your partner and why you want to marry them. Let your significant other see a vulnerable side of you, especially if they don’t get to see that side of you that often. You’ll likely have a lot to say about how much you love your partner, but for your engagement, stick to a few unique characteristics that show just how special they truly are.

Before you ask the big question, share with your partner the defining moment you knew they were the one. Give details about the day, the weather, where you were, and what you were doing. It will be fun for your partner to hear about the moment you knew they were the one. And finally, let your partner know what you have in mind for your future together. You can say this part before or after the big question, but it’s important to share these thoughts so you and your partner can anticipate a lifetime of happiness together.

Thinking Ahead To Your Vows

Luckily, you can take what you say during your engagement and put a new spin on it for your vows. You’ll want to reiterate how much your partner means to you, the moment you knew you wanted to marry them, and what you plan for your life together. Your vows tend to be a bit longer and more detailed, and of course include promises to each other that you will honor and cherish. Try not to overthink too much and just speak from your heart. Remember to express yourself honestly and genuinely. Be authentic, your partner loves you for you, and that’s all that matters.

Whether you’re proposing in Athens, in the most romantic spot in Santorini, or somewhere else, we’re here to help with all matters in your engagement and the wedding process. Contact us and we’ll be with you every step of the way!

Design & Planning

1 Chrys. Smyrnis Street, Neo Psychiko, 15451, Athens, Greece
Email: info@mili-lo.com
Tel: +30 210 677 1053
Mobile: +30 694 849 3003
By Appointment Only
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